Allergy, Raw Consumption & Cooking Class Waiver
By checking the box, I acknowledge that participation in cooking classes at Stir Cooking School & Stir events may involve exposure to a variety of ingredients, some of which may cause allergic reactions. I understand that it is my responsibility to inform Stir Cooking School & Stir Events of any known allergies prior to class participation.
I also understand that certain dishes may involve the consumption of raw or undercooked ingredients, which can pose a risk of foodborne illness. By participating in this class, I voluntarily assume all risks associated with the consumption of these foods.
Additionally, I recognize that cooking activities inherently involve the use of sharp tools (such as knives) and exposure to hot surfaces, liquids, and equipment, which may result in cuts, burns, or other injuries. I agree to follow all safety instructions provided by Stir staff and to use caution when handling knives, hot items, or other potentially hazardous kitchen equipment.
By checking the box, I hereby release Stir Cooking School & Stir Events, its instructors, employees, and affiliates from any and all liability for any adverse reactions, illnesses, or injuries that may occur as a result of my participation in these classes.